
AStA Hochschule Darmstadt
Schöfferstrasse 3
64295 Darmstadt

(Geb. C 10, Hochhaus, Zwischengeschoss)

The student body of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is a corporation under public law, represented by the General Student Committee (AStA).

Office hours of the AStA


  • Office Darmstadt: 06151 / 533 5630
  • Office Dieburg: 06151 / 533 5631


  • Office Darmstadt: info[ät]asta-hda[punkt]de (PGP-Key)
  • Office Dieburg: dieburg[ät]asta-hda[punkt]de
  • die Referentinnen und Referenten des AStA bzw. AG-Leiterinnen und AG-Leiter: unter den jeweiligen Referate-Mailadressen


Responsible for the content: the speakers of the AStA and the management.

The contact details given here serve exclusively to fulfill the respective explained purpose.

The use of the addresses for advertising, survey or marketing purposes is not permitted.